Growing in Holiness

Listen to "Homesick: The Goal of the Saints" by Fr Mike Schmitz.

Read "4 Ways to Grow in Holiness from St. Therese"

Email Vincent your responses to the following questions:

  1. Why is it important that we don't simply "settle" for a mediocre life?
  2. What are some ways you can challenge yourself (and family/spouse if you have one) to grow in holiness and strive for sainthood?

Your challenge for the week:

I challenge each of you to pray the rosary this week! Even if you pray one decade a day for five days.. however you wish to do it! This link is incredibly helpful (pin addition to the sheet I handed out yesterday in class!) with learning more about the rosary and what exactly to meditate on as you pray each Hail Mary and Our Father.

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Saints and Saint Names

“When God calls someone by name, he also reveals to the person his vocation, his plan of holiness and fulfilment, through which the person becomes a gift to others and is made unique. And when God wants to expand the horizons of life, he gives a new name to the person he is calling, as he did with Simon, whom he called “Peter”. From here comes the custom of taking a new name... to indicate a new identity and mission. Since the divine call is unique and personal, we need the courage to disentangle ourselves from the pressure of being shaped by conforming patterns, so that our life can truly become an authentic and irreplaceable gift to God, to the Church and to all.

Dear young people, to be called by name is therefore a sign of our great dignity in the eyes of God and a sign of his love for us. God calls each one of you by name. All of you are the “you” of God, precious in his eyes, worthy of respect and loved (cf. Is 43:4). Welcome with joy this dialogue that God offers you, this appeal he makes to you, calling you by name.”

(Pope Francis, 33rd World Youth Day, §2)

It's an old Catholic tradition to take a saint name (or the name of a virtue) at your baptism or confirmation.  Basically, Baptism is your birth into a new life; so, people often take a new name.  Likewise, Confirmation is your being strengthened by God to fulfill your mission in life, and in the Bible, when God gives people a mission, he also often gives them a new name.  This name expresses your identity, not primarily because of your mission, but because of God's eternal idea of you:

God calls me and sends me forth as a labourer in his vineyard. He calls me and sends me forth to work for the coming of his Kingdom in history. This personal vocation and mission defines the dignity and the responsibility of each member of the lay faithful and makes up the focal point of the whole work of formation, whose purpose is the joyous and grateful recognition of this dignity and the faithful and generous living-out of this responsibility.
In fact, from eternity God has thought of us and has loved us as unique individuals. Every one of us he called by name, as the Good Shepherd "calls his sheep by name" (Jn 10:3). However, only in the unfolding of the history of our lives and its events is the eternal plan of God revealed to each of us. Therefore, it is a gradual process; in a certain sense, one that happens day by day.
To be able to discover the actual will of the Lord in our lives always involves the following: a receptive listening to the Word of God and the Church, fervent and constant prayer, recourse to a wise and loving spiritual guide, and a faithful discernment of the gifts and talents given by God, as well as the diverse social and historic situations in which one lives.
Therefore, in the life of each member of the lay faithful there are particularly significant and decisive moments for discerning God's call and embracing the mission entrusted by Him. Among these are the periods of adolescence and young adulthood. No one must forget that the Lord, as the master of the labourers in the vineyard, calls at every hour of life so as to make his holy will more precisely and explicitly known. Therefore, the fundamental and continuous attitude of the disciple should be one of vigilance and a conscious attentiveness to the voice of God. (Christifideles laici, 58)

We don't want to name ourselves--that's not how names work--but you might discern that God is calling you by a new name, maybe the name of a saint that you connect with.  As part of your discernment process (of your name and your mission in life), it's a good idea to get to know the saints!

Here are some good resources where you can find information about different saints:

I'm sure there are more!

Taking a Baptism or Confirmation name is not required and does not replace your given name.  In fact, I'd recommend you include in your discernment a reflection on the meaning of your given name and how it already calls on some essential aspect of your identity and mission.

If you would like to take a new name at Baptism or Confirmation, please let me know soon!  I would love to know, not only the name you want to take, but how you connect with that name.

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The Hour That Will Change Your Life

This is not required, but I invite you to watch "The Hour That Will Change Your Life" by Fr. Mike Schmitz.  I'd love it if you would send me your reflections on these questions!

  1. What were some things that stood out to you throughout Fr. Mike's talk?
  2. How did this video impact the way you think about the Eucharist?
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Personal Study 1

First Symbolon episode (“Knowing the Faith 1: The Journey of Faith”)

First two DOS podcasts (embedded below)

*E-mail answers to

Discernment of Spirits #1

  1. How many rules did St. Ignatius give us?
  2. What does "discernment of spirits" mean, as St. Ignatius uses it?
  3. If you want to discern spirits, what's the first place to begin?

Discernment of Spirits #2

  1. Describe the differences between the "worldly project" and the "holy project," using St. Ignatius's own life as an example.
  2. What are the steps of discerning spirits?
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Personal Study 2

Second Symbolon episode (“Knowing the Faith 2: Divine Revelation”)

Two DOS podcasts (embedded below)

*E-mail answers to

Discernment of Spirits #3

  1. Using St. Augustine and other of Fr. Gallagher's examples, describe the first rule.
  2. What does "the Enemy" refer to? Name all that you can.
  3. What does "the Good Spirit" refer to? Name all that you can.

Discernment of Spirits #4

  1. Using Fr. Gallagher's examples, or examples from your own life, describe the action of the Enemy as described by the second rule.
  2. Using Fr. Gallagher's examples, or examples from your own life, describe the action of the Good Spirit as described by the second rule.
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Personal Study 3

Third Symbolon episode (“Knowing the Faith 3: The Bible”)

Two DOS podcasts (embedded below)

*E-mail answers to

Discernment of Spirits #5

  1. Using St. Ignatius's and Fr. Gallager's examples, define spiritual consolation, distinuishing it from other sorts of consolation.
  2. How is spiritual consolation related to other sorts of consolation?

Discernment of Spirits #6

  1. Using St. Ignatius's and Fr. Gallager's examples, define spiritual desolation, distinguishing it from other sorts of desolation.
  2. How is spiritual desolation related to other sorts of desolation?
  3. What is the only appropriate response to spiritual desolation and the thoughts that come from it?
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Personal Study 4

Symbolon episode (“Knowing the Faith 4: The Story of Salvation”)

Two DOS podcasts (embedded below)

*E-mail answers to

Discernment of Spirits #7

  1. Using St. Ignatius's and Fr. Gallagher's examples, and (if you choose) examples from your own life, state and explain Rule 5.
  2. Strictly speaking, Rule 5 applies to which sorts of resolutions?
  3. Describe how desolation "claims falsely to interpret our spiritual past and to predict our spiritual future."

Discernment of Spirits #8

  1. Using St. Ignatius's and Fr. Gallgher's examples, and (if you choose) examples from your own life, state and explain Rule 6, in particular explaining prayer, mediation, much examination, and extending ourselves in suitable penance.
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Personal Study 5

Symbolon episode (“Knowing the Faith 5: Who is Jesus?”)

Two DOS podcasts (embedded below)

*E-mail answers to

Discernment of Spirits #9

  1. Explain Rule 7, using examples from your own life or from Fr. Gallagher's explanation.
  2. What thoughts should we call to mind in spiritual desolation? What is the core of those thoughts?
  3. How is spiritual desolation, although a work of the Enemy, yet still a gift from God?

Discernment of Spirits #10

  1. Explain Rule 8, using examples from your own life or from Fr. Gallagher's explanation.
  2. What is the main difference (in the causes) between spiritual desolation and what St. John of the Cross calls the "dark night of the soul"? How should we respond to each?
  3. What are the three ways to act against spiritual desolation which Fr. Gallagher summarizes?
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Personal Study 6

Symbolon episode (“Knowing the Faith 6: The Paschal Mystery”)

Two DOS podcasts (embedded below)

*E-mail answers to

Discernment of Spirits #11

  1. Explain the ninth rule (particularly, each of the three principle causes of desolation), with Fr. Gallagher's examples and/or examples from your own life.

Discernment of Spirits #12

  1. Explain the tenth rule, with Fr. Gallagher's examples and/or examples from your own life.
  2. The main thing we are to do in consolation is simply to enjoy God's nearness. What is the secondary (but very important) thing we are to do, and what are the specific ways St. Ignatius and Fr. Gallagher says we can do it?
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Personal Study 7

Symbolon episode (“Knowing the Faith 7: The Holy Spirit”)

DOS podcasts (embedded below)

*E-mail answers to

Discernment of Spirits #13

  1. Explain the eleventh rule, with Fr. Gallagher's examples and/or examples from your own life.

Discernment of Spirits #14

  1. Explain the eleventh rule, with Fr. Gallagher's examples and/or examples from your own life.
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Personal Study 8

Symbolon episode (“Knowing the Faith 8: The Church”)

DOS podcasts (embedded below)

*E-mail answers to

Discernment of Spirits #15

  1. Explain the thirteenth rule, with Fr. Gallagher's examples and/or examples from your own life.
  2. How can one find a wise, competent spiritual person?

Discernment of Spirits #16

  1. Explain the fourteenth rule, with Fr. Gallagher's examples and/or examples from your own life.
  2. When does Fr. Gallagher say the weakest point ceases to be the weakest point?
  3. In what spirit does Fr. Gallagher say we should live the rules of discernment?
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Personal Study 9

Symbolon episode (“Knowing the Faith 9: Mary and the Saints”)

Podcasts (embedded below): Daily Prayer of Discernment (the Examen)

*E-mail answers to

Daily Prayer of Discernment (The Examen) #1

  1. According to Fr. Gallagher, what is the examen prayer?
  2. What does "examen" mean?
  3. What is the guiding question Fr. Gallagher keeps repeating in the telling of the saints' lives?
  4. What was the classic phrase with which one of St. Ignatius's early companions characterized him? What does that phrase mean?

Daily Prayer of Discernment (The Examen) #2

  1. What's the best time of the day for someone to look for to pray the examen? What time of day is that for you?
  2. Explain the first step of the examen prayer, describing its "internal dynamic."
  3. What is, according to St. Ignatius, one of the worst things in God's eyes?  What is one of the best?
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Personal Study 10

Symbolon episode (“Knowing the Faith 10: The Last Things”)

Podcasts (embedded below): Daily Prayer of Discernment (the Examen)

*E-mail answers to

Daily Prayer of Discernment (The Examen) #3

    Explain the first and second steps of the Examen.
    What is the most important part of the examen?

Daily Prayer of Discernment (The Examen) #4

  1. Explain the third step of the Examen.
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Personal Study 11

Eleventh Symbolon episode (“Living the Faith 1: The Sacraments: Confirmation and Baptism”)

  1. Both parts of the episode available on
  2. Questions to answer:
    1. How would you respond to someone who asks: "Why have you Catholics made Christianity so complicated with all your rules and rituals?"
    2. What are some of the outward signs and symbols used in Baptism, and what do they represent?
    3. Why is it significant that in Confirmation we are anointed with Sacred Chrism?

Podcasts (embedded below): Daily Prayer of Discernment (the Examen)

*E-mail answers to

Daily Prayer of Discernment (The Examen) #5

Daily Prayer of Discernment (The Examen) #6

  1. Listen to DPD5 and DPD6, then name and describe the fourth step of the Examen.
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Personal Study 12

Twelfth Symbolon episode (“Living the Faith 2: The Eucharist: Source and Summit of Christian Life")

Podcasts (embedded below):  Daily Prayer of Discernment (the Examen)

*E-mail answers to

Daily Prayer of Discernment (The Examen) #7

Daily Prayer of Discernment (The Examen) #8

  1. Listen to DPD7, then name and describe the fifth step of the Examen.
  2. After listening to DPD8, describe the different dimensions of the Examen and its application in your life.
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Personal Study 13

Thirteenth Symbolon episode (“Living the Faith 2: The Mass...")

Podcasts (embedded below):  Discerning God's Will in Daily Life

*E-mail answers to

Discerning God's Will #1

  1. What distinguishes Christian discernment from normal good decision-making?
  2. What is meant by "spiritual exercises" generally?  Also name examples.
  3. What is the right disposition of heart for discernment?
  4. What is the first principle of discernment?  How can morality help us discern in some cases?  Where can we find clarity in times of doubt about the morality of certain courses of action?
  5. What is the second principle of discernment?  How can fidelity to our duties of our state in life help us discern in some cases?
  6. What is the role of the review?
  7. What does Fr. Gallagher mean, to ask for a heart like Mary's?

Discerning God's Will #2

  1. What are three broad steps of discernment that emerge from the first few examples?
  2. What is the foundation of discernment?
  3. Using the criteria articulated so far, describe the sort of choices which St. Ignatius intended the spiritual exercises to help us to decide.
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Personal Study 14

Fourteenth Symbolon episode (“Living the Faith: Penance and Anointing of the Sick..")

Podcasts (embedded below):  Discerning God's Will in Daily Life

*E-mail answers to

Discerning God's Will #3

  1. What is the foundation of the Discernment of God's will--and indeed of the Christian life?
  2. People grow in love when they have a deeper and deeper ______?
  3. How did Kris  and Fr. Gallagher characterize discernment in a single word?
  4. What place does meditation on Creation have in discernment?

Discerning God's Will #4

  1. What disposition is necessary for discernment and how to we obtain it?
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Personal Study 15

Fifteenth Symbolon episode (“Living the Faith: Matrimony and Holy Orders")

Podcasts (embedded below):  Discerning God's Will in Daily Life

*E-mail answers to

Discerning God's Will #5

  1. What grace should we ask for when praying with Scripture as part of discernment?
  2. What do we need to hear "the still, small voice"?
  3. When we are having difficulty discerning, what ideal setting can really help?
  4. What is the universal call lived out in the spousal gift?

Discerning God's Will #6

  1. What are some of the main points Fr. Gallagher outlines in this episode for discerning God's will?
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Personal Study 16

Sixteenth Symbolon episode (“Living the Faith: A Catholic Moral Vision: Virtue, Grace, and the Path to Happiness")

Podcasts (embedded below):  Discerning God's Will in Daily Life

*E-mail answers to

Discerning God's Will #7

  1. Name and define the three modes of discernment.
  2. Describe the first mode of discernment and its dynamics.

Discerning God's Will #8

  1. Describe the second mode of discernment and its dynamics.
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Personal Study 17

Seventeenth Symbolon episode (“Living the Faith: A Love that Lasts: Discovering Authentic Love")

Podcasts (embedded below):  Discerning God's Will in Daily Life

*E-mail answers to

Discerning God's Will #9

  1. How does Fr. Gallagher's description of St. Igantius's approach to discerning God's will about poverty for the Jesuits help you better understand the second mode of discernment (what he calls "Attraction of the Heart")?
  2. Explain the role of time and of consolation in this mode.
  3. What is to be expected and understood about times of desolation in using this mode?
  4. What is meant by "sufficient clarity and understanding"?
  5. What is the necessary disposition of heart for discernment of God's will?
  6. What is the practical key for the concrete, individual process of discernment?
  7. What insights do you gain from Richard's experience of second mode discernment?
  8. What are the differences between being in a process of discernment and simply knowing that you need to discern something?
  9. What insights do you gain from Jessica's experience of second mode discernment?
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Personal Study 18

Eighteenth Symbolon episode (“Living the Faith: A Love that Lasts: God’s Plan for Human Sexuality")

Podcasts (embedded below):  Discerning God's Will in Daily Life

*E-mail answers to

Discerning God's Will #10

  1. What are the questions Fr. Gallagher recommends someone using the second mode use to structure their discernment?
  2. What are ways one can find a competent spiritual guide?
  3. What insights into the second mode did this further reflection on Jessica's experience and the second mode offer you?
  4. When should you experience the third mode?
  5. How does Fr. Gallagher sum up the third mode?  Explain the basics of this summary of the third mode.
  6. What is radical poverty? What are benefits of living in this way?
  7. How does the example of Ignatius describe the only time when third mode discernment can be done well?
  8. What is the "Method of the Four Columns"?
  9. What disposition did Ignatius seek to be graced with to properly use the third mode?
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Personal Study 19

Nineteeth Symbolon episode (“Living the Faith: Catholic Social Teaching: Building a Civilization of Love")

Podcasts (embedded below):  Discerning God's Will in Daily Life

*E-mail answers to

Discerning God's Will #11

  1. What is the first thing Ignatius asks of us when using third mode?
  2. Next, what graces do we ask God for?
  3. What do we need a tranquil heart for? Why is it essential to the third mode?
  4. What are the steps Ignatius outlines, as exemplified by Fr. Gallagher with Brian's discernment?
  5. What "means" does Fr. Gallagher list that assist Patrick's discernment?  What further spiritual means can you think of that might help?
  6. Describe the change of heart Patrick undergoes.  How does this help us to understand why God would ask us to enter into a process of discernment?
  7. Describe the role prayer with Scripture plays in Patrick's discernment.  How does this anecdote strike you?  Have you experienced God speak to you through Scripture in this way?
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Personal Study 20

Twentieth Symbolon episode (“Living the Faith: Catholic Social Teaching: Protecting Human Dignity")

Podcasts (embedded below):  Discerning God's Will in Daily Life

*E-mail answers to

Discerning God's Will #12

  1. When does one use the second way of using the third mode of discernment?
  2. There are three tests, but what, specifically, is tested?
  3. Describe the "three tests."
  4. What is the aim of the three tests?
  5. What does one do with the result of the three tests?
  6. What insights into the third mode does Fr. Gallagher's own experience of using the third mode offer you?
  7. What crucial questions for third mode does Fr. Gallagher review?
  8. What will happen in your lives if you enter into discernment about the significant choices in your life?
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